Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Ultimate Adventure!

Marcus turned 6 this past August. We had an Indian Jones Party this year. I set up the backyard for the "Ultimate Indiana Adventure". The boys had an absolute blast. They each got a fedora and a whip and had to overcome obstacles to get the golden idol. We had ancient ruins, a snake pit, spiders, and even a giant boulder! (Thanks to his aunt Heather's exercise ball.) It was a lot of fun. Marcus and Spencer continue to play it even now - they run around the house and yard singing the Indiana Jones theme. I've even had to take them to the store with their hats and whips on. Naturally, it made a lot of people smile!

September is cursed!

So exactly one year ago, we spent a night at Primary Children's Medical Center because of Kaelynne's broken arm. This year, we were lucky enough to spend yet another night up there because Kaelynne got a bug bite right near her eye that swelled up and was a deep enough infection she had to receive an IV treatment.

Of course, she didn't mind too much. She could order whatever she wanted to eat, almost whenever she wanted. She got to play video games, watch movies, get a warm blanket anytime she felt cold, and pretty much be spoiled rotten by the nurses. Obviously a much better visit than last time. She is doing just fine now - she just has to take antibiotics for the rest of the week.
The boys are doing fine. Here is Andrew sitting in his bath seat for the first time. He was a little unsure for a while. Then he started kicking his fat legs and splashing a bit. I scooped up some water and let it pour in front of him. He tried with all his little 6-month old might to grab that pouring water and it was so funny to see him wonder why he couldn't get it! He actually rolled all that fat over the other day (from back to tummy). He is also learning to stay sitting up. He also is noticing how we are all eating different foods than him, and he doesn't like it! Later this week we will be able to start him on new foods - woo hoo Andrew!
Here's the other two monsters. Marcus asked me on Sunday if it was fast Sunday. I told him "No, not today." Then Spencer asked "Mom, is it slow day?" Oh, the mind of a child!
(I hope no one minds the "bathroom scenes!")