Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Anyway, our family just keeps on keeping on - as I'm sure it is the same for yours! The kids are all looking forward to summer in about a month. Chad and I have a lot of projects we are trying to get done. I will try to do more postings! Of course, in the words of Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try." So, I better just start doing them more often.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Ultimate Adventure!
September is cursed!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hawaii was fabulous!
It was amazing! We went with Chad's parents and all his siblings. Our four kids were lucky enough to spend the week and a half with my parents and my sisters all helped out as well. Thank you family! This picture is from the Waiemea Falls area.
(means Thank You in Hawaiian)
Yeah, I'm a slacker, big time!
Here is Andrew on the day of his blessing in June - what a sweetheart!
And here is the new Wright Fam all together... Spencer turned 3 years old on June 29. He loved getting these real tools and I (Melissa) made the tool belt to hold them all. Now he can really "help" Chad instead of trying to use his plastic hammer and getting all frustrated because the nails just won't go in! Too bad he doesn't look excited, eh?
Our Stake (Kearns East) was invited to participate in the Youth Parade for the Days of '47 in Salt Lake City. Our float was themed "Hands Around the World". Kaelynee was dressed as a pioneer (she's the one in the blue dress and bonnet).
I also dressed as a pioneer (blue dress) and Marcus chose to go as a Missionary. He even got to wear a REAL Missionary badge with his name on it! Elder Wright! Lucky Chad got to sit and watch the whole parade with Andrew and my parents. He just loves a good parade!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Auf Wiedersehen Oma!